Book List


I love to read!  Always have and always will, but between working two jobs and working on my blog and trying to get back into painting and starting up my photography, I don’t have nearly as much time as I’d like.  I keep a list of books that I want to read and it seems to be growing longer by the day.  Below are a few of the books currently on my list.  If you have read any of these or have any recommendations for books you couldn’t put down, please leave them in a comment below.

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5 thoughts on “Book List

  1. Krista Foley says:

    I love to read and feel like I always have more books to read than I can catch up to.

    I have heard good things about The Paris Wife –it’s on my to read list as well. I have also heard good things about the book Wild, though I’ve heard the movie isn’t very good. Wild had some good parts regarding the outdoors/environment/wilderness. And, I have read Outlander and like it a lot. Good historical setting, a little romance, adventure, with a magical element. The tv show follows the books very well.

    I will have to check out your other books listed!


  2. Krista Foley says:

    Oh and as for book recommendations, I love Kate Morton and Susanna Kearsley books. The Snow Flower and the Secret Fan was an interesting educational (fictional) read, very sad, but good to read once about the women in Asia and their culture. A recent book that I really loved and wasn’t expecting to was The Golum and the Jinni. And Unbroken (like the movie) was a wonderful insightful read. Lastly, another book I’ve read this year and enjoyed was The Invention of Wings.

    I look forward to hearing what book you read next and what your top rated books end up being!


  3. Heather says:

    The Pars Wife was pretty good. And of course Outlander is excellent :). Another good book I read this year was The Goldfinch. It’s pretty lengthy but beautifully written!


  4. Kara says:

    I haven’t read any of those but my sister said Paper Towns was good and I know she’s read Girl Boss. I just finished Dark Places and it was really good.


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